
MemoToc is a small utility for managing Bookmarks, typing snippets of recurring text, and keeping short notes available.

The MemoToc palette contains three different PopUp menus:

The content of each PopUp is stored in a text file which can be anywhere on the local harddisk or other available volumes.

PopUps can be modified in four different ways:

It is also possible to drag a folder containing several text files on the PopUp:
All valid files will be listed at the bottom of the menu, allowing fast switching between different menus.

Once registered, any change of the folder content will be automatically reflected in the menu.

Each PopUp has a slightly different behaviour:

Double-Clicking the Menu button minimizes or expands the palette.

Control-click reveals the Options menu.

The Palette can be moved around the screen and positioned wherever convenient.
Positions for minimized and expanded status are remembered.

Please use the different feedback-options to help make this tool better!

Download :
MemoToc.dmg , 7.3MB

MemoToc has been developed with Xojo